Covenants and Bylaws

Please take time to read these documents in order to avoid non-compliance issues and to understand how our Association operates. The "searchable with amendments" version of the covenants are the easiest to read and for searching, but the "signed image" version (note that amendments are at the end of the document) should always be consulted for confirmation that you are referencing the correct language.


The Crystal Shores Owners Association Inc. covenants are in place to preserve the beauty of our community and to ensure that everyone is able to fully enjoy living here. Additional rules and restrictions have also been adopted by the Board, per the covenants Section III, paragraph 4, as amended, which build on and/or clarify the covenants.

Of particular interest in the covenants are Article X: Architectural Committee and Restrictions, and Article XII: Restrictions on Use and Occupancy, supplemented by the Curb Appeal Requirements; however, there are other items you should be aware of throughout the covenants and other governing documents.

Per NCGS Chapter 47F-2-117 (which requires a larger majority than our covenants), the covenants may only be amended " affirmative vote or written agreement signed by lot owners of lots to which at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the votes in the association are allocated...."

The bylaws govern the way we operate and address issues like voting, meetings, and Board/officer responsibilites.

Per the Bylaws section 12.1(C), any change to the bylaws "...must be approved by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors and by an affirmative vote of sixty-seven percent (67%) of the members...."

On April 10, 2023, a resolution (approved by 80% of members per covenants) to request that the Town of Cedar Point accept dedication of the roads within Crystal Shores was recorded with the Carteret County Register of Deeds. Therefore, all references in the governing documents to road ownership and maintenance no longer apply.

Pertinent state laws that govern our operations are NCGS Chapter 55A and NCGS Chapter 47F.

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